Monday, January 11, 2010

Words from Debbie Rodriguez

Debbie sent me the following to post on the blogspot.  I enjoyed reading the words and hope that you will too.

Many brave souls braved the cold temps to take their rides with me this week-end.  Knowing that once you start trotting around you warm up doesn't make tacking up any easier.

The horses were fresh with the low temps and limited turn out. However this made for some nice energetic rides on horses where that is not the norm. So many riders got a chance to feel the impulsion that comes through when a horse maintains the desire to go forward. It is so much easier when the horse helps keep the energy and the half-halts become  a balancing and organizing aid. It allowed several riders to lighten their driving aids, relax their legs and let the horse come through. Now the challenge will be to keep that feeling over the next week as the horses return to their normal schedule.

One of the fun parts about teaching is when a rider has an "Aha" moment and gets something that you might have been trying to get across for some time. This week-end, one of the riders that often allows her horse to go on the forehand was able to rebalance over and over and really started to feel how even a slight drop down on the forehand affected  the  quality of the movement. Once you can feel what is wrong and what is right in the balance it becomes a lot easier to fix and influence.

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