Thursday, November 12, 2009

Debbie Rodriguez Clinic

There was some great fall weather when I arrived in Huntsville for a dressage clinic at Steel Prize Stables. Temperatures were in the low 70's and the sun was shining. It doesn't get much better than that in November. Recently at home one of my students was cleaning out the tack room and came across a Unisit,  a strap that helps position you into a more correct seat, hip and back position. I asked if I could borrow it and brought it along to let some of the riders at Steel Prize play with. Everyone that was willing to give it a try felt a longer leg position with most everybody comfortably lengthening their stirrups. Some of the riders had a light bulb moment feeling the security that correct posture brings. In the lessons each person warmed up at the walk, trot and canter  before trying the Unisit. Then after some work  with the Unisit they tried to get that same feel without the device. While experimenting with that was fun and useful it was nice to see riders keep that longer leg position through their regular work and add an exercise or two that was new to them. For some of the training level riders it may have just been adding some smaller circles and figures into their work while some of the more advanced riders concentrated on staying centered while alternating leg-yield and half-pass across the diagonal. At first the leg-yield to halfpass was a challenge for riders to keep both themselves centered and their horse aligned to the long sides of the arena. However after a few attempts the horses alignment stayed steady through the change of flexions. With no shows in the immediate future it was nice to address some of the basics and keep things simple. When I return in January it will be good for the riders to have an idea of their show season goals to see if we can put some of this week-end's learning toward those goals. 

Until then, Debbie

Sara practices her position on Freeda.

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